Hand Tools Crossword Puzzle

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Hand Tools Crossword Puzzle

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  • combination : square that has multiple uses.
  • speed : square that also has angle measurements you can quickly use.
  • level : used to check is something is perfectly flat.
  • adjustable wrench : tools that opens and closes using a small spiral wheel.
  • nippers : used for cutting something very close to a material
  • channel locks : tool with sliding groves that determine how big or small it is.
  • socket wrench : tool used for tightening and loosening nuts and bolts.
  • phiilips head : type of screwdriver that looks like a plus sign or x.
  • needle nose : type of pliers that is pointy at the end, for detail work.
  • framing : square used for doors and windows.
  • carpenters : square used for small projects.
  • flathead : type of screwdriver that fits with a slotted screw.
  • claw hammer : used for driving in nails.
  • mallet : used for hitting things you don't want to damage.
  • robertson : another name for a square head screwdriver.
  • chalk line : used for making a long straight line.
  • linesman : pliers meant to hold onto something very tight.
  • bar : clamp that slides along a metal piece.
  • slip joint : pliers that slide back and forth on a pivot point.
  • diagonal : pliers with blades for us on wire.
  • vice grips : type of pliers that locks around something.