Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost Crossword Puzzle

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Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost Crossword Puzzle

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  • wisdom: makes us see all things in god, to prefer the things of god to the world.
  • understanding: helps us see into the hidden meaning of the truths of faith and scripture.
  • counsel: shows us what to do, to choose what will give most glory to god and be best for our spiritual good.
  • knowledge: shows us how to use created things rightly and avoid what will take us away from him.
  • fortitude: helps us to suffer with joy, and endure trials bravely.
  • piety: makes us look upon god, our father, with love and confidence; gives us a tender devotion towards all he loves.
  • fear: fills us with reverence for god's holiness, and keeps us from sin.
  • charity: a constant love of god and of our neighbor, for his sake.
  • joy: a spiritual cheerfulness even in the face of trials and sufferings.
  • peace: a calm and quiet living at rest with god and neighbor.
  • patience: helps us not to be easily upset when things go wrong, but to bear troubles for the love of god.
  • benignity: kindness and thoughtfulness for others.
  • goodness: standing for what is right even when others fall for what is wrong.
  • long suffering: helps us not to complain when things are hard, especially for a long time.
  • mildness: gentleness, even towards those who do us wrong.
  • faith: faithfulness to god, even if it costs one's life.
  • modesty: being pure in speech, dress and behavior.
  • continency: self-control, in whatever one may do.
  • chastity: purity in thought, word and action, according to one's state in life.