Forensic Psychology Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: profiling: a behavioural and analytical tool to help predict characteristics of an offender, lombroso: who identified facial characteristics associated with different types of crime, top down: start with a per-existing template and work down, eugenics: movement that suggested that those with undesirable human traits should not be able to pass on their genetics, atavistic: genetic throwbacks, organised: type of offender who shows evidence of planning and targets the victim, surveys: could be victim or offender to record number of crimes, crime: an act committed in violation of the law, disorganised: type of offender who shows little evidence of planning and leaves clues, investigative: a form of profiling that matches details from the crime scene with statistical analysis of typical offender, official statistics: government records of the total number of crimes reported to the police, geographical: a form of profiling based on the principle of spatial consistency, bottom up: profilers work up from evidence collected from the crime scene.