Fire Safety Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: base : where should you aim a fire extinguisher nozzle when putting out a fire, overload : do not _ power strips, pass : acronym describing the correct sequence of using a fire extinguisher?, men : are more likely to die and be injured in fires. 62.7 vs 37.7 death, seventeen : percent of home fire deaths occur due to a nonfunctional smoke alarm, ionization : a _ smoke detector charges air molecules to create a small electric current. then, when smoke is detected in the air, the current is reduced, which signals the alarm to sound, photoelectric : _ smoke detector uses a light source and a photosensitive cell to detect smoke, kitchen : location most fires start, lava : high heat magma that can cause fire produced by mt baker, flame cabinet : location where flammables need to be kept, everyone : who is responsible for fire safety, children : start around 20,000 fires a year, vapors : flammable liquids like oil, gas, kerosene, solvents, and many chemicals are a fire hazard mainly because of their invisible _ , twenty : how many feet away does a smoke area have to be, carbon dioxide : fire extinguisher used to put out fires caused by flammable liquids, cooking : 48.1% of home fires caused by _ , plastic : bins where aerosols should be kept in van are made of _ , eleven : workplaces with a minimum of _ employees need to have a written fire prevention program in place, false : during a fire, when a stairwell is unavailable because it is disabled or inaccessible, it is okay to use the elevators when exiting a building, true : even when there are no signs of a fire, you should respond to every fire alarm as if it were real.