Famous Palindromes Crossword Puzzle

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Famous Palindromes Crossword Puzzle

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  • racecar: a fast vehicle
  • radar: detects objects
  • level: flat surface
  • madam: polite address for a woman
  • civic: related to a city or town
  • rotator: spins around
  • deified: made into a god
  • repaper: cover with paper again
  • redder: more red
  • hannah: a common girl's name
  • kayak: type of boat
  • refer: direct to a source
  • stats: abbreviation for statistics
  • tenet: principle or belief
  • minim: a musical note
  • evil olive: sinister fruit
  • taco cat: playful palindrome involving a food and an animal
  • a santa at nasa: festive space agency figure
  • aibohphobia: fear of palindromes
  • no lemon, no melon: fruitless phrase