Faith Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: modernization : policies and actions designed to bring a country up to date in technology and other areas, slum : an area in a city that is crowded, with poor housing and bad living conditions, infrastructure : basic systems of a society such as roads, bridges, sewers, and electricity, democracy : a form of government by the people in which citizens often elect representatives to govern them, literacy rate : the percentage of people who can read + write, henna : a redish powder to create designs on skin, military dictatorship : a form of government in which the army runs the government, overpopulation : the condition of too many people living in one place, outsourcing : the shifting of jobs to workers outside of a company, to often foreign countries, pilgrimage : a religious journey, federal republic : a democratic form of government in which voters elect representatives and the central governemnt shares power with the states, microlending : the practice of making small loans to people starting their own businesses, cricket : a team game similar to baseball, karma : in hinduism, the negative and positive effect one receives has a result of his or her actions, mainland : the land connected to a continent, usually in reference to countries with both continental land and islands, sar : a traditional indian garment for women worn wrapped around the body, push-pull factors : reasons why people migrate, shalwar-kameez : a bag shirt with lose-fitting pants worn in india and southeast asia, popular culture : the arts, music, and other elements of everyday life in a region, developed nations : countries with a high per capita gross domestic product