Eye Structures Crossword Puzzle
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- opticdisc: blind spot in retina
- lateralrectus: muscle that turns the eyes laterally
- retina: contains photoreceptors for vision
- foveacentralis: area of retina with most photoreceptors (greatest visual acuity)
- inferioroblique: muscle that turns the eyes superior and lateral
- pupil: hole in iris that lets light into eye
- sclera: 'whites' of the eye
- iris: smooth muscles in eye that come in multiple colors
- lens: changes shape to help focus light on retina
- vitreoushumor: fluid that fills the posterior cavity
- cornea: clear (transparent) portion of fibrous (outer) tunic (layer)
- ciliary: muscle that contracts to change the shape of the lens
- anterior: cavity that contains aqueous humor
- choroid: tunic (layer) of eye with many blood vessels