Easter Sunday Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Easter Sunday crossword puzzle.
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A Christmas Carol recounts the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come.
- vinegar : on the cross, jesus was given _ to drink.
- crusified : after the soldiers _ jesus, they case lots for his garments, including his coat.
- judas : _ iscarlot, one of the apostles, betrayed jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
- ascending : before _ into heaven, jesus told his disciples, "i am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
- forgive : as he hung on the cross, jesus said, "father, _ them; for they know not what they do."
- mother : as jesus hung on the cross, he saw his _ and asked john, the disciple "whom he loved," to care for her.
- darkness : while jesus hung on the cross, there was _ over all the land.
- gethsemane : before jesus was arrested, he prayed in a place called _
- earth : after jesus died, "the _ did quake, and the rocks rent."
- blessed : at the last supper, jesus took bread _ blessed it, brake it and gave it to the apostles, saying, "this is my body."
- mary : when _ magdalene saw the resurrected savior, she said, "rabboni" which means "master."
- soldier : to make sure that jesus was dead, one of the _ pierced his side with a spear. (see john 19:34)
- angels : when mary magadalene went to the tomb the first day of the week, she saw two _ where jesus's body had lain