Design of Compensator By Root Locus Technique Crossword Puzzle

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  • bandwidth : the frequency range of control response is specified by
  • _ function : _ function
  • origin : for the system gain to be zero, the roots move towards
  • relative : phase margin of a system is used to specify which stability
  • zeros : root loci terminates at
  • minimizes : in a control system integral error compensation _ steady state error
  • right : addition of pole to the oltf has the effect of pulling root locus to
  • lead : phase _ compensator increases the bandwidth most
  • response : response
  • root locus : which of the following is the best method for determining the stability and transient
  • nyquist plot : which of the following term is not general specification of the control system
  • ramp : velocity error constant of a system is measured when the input to the system is unit
  • stable : increase in gain k makes the system
  • under damped : if the gain of the critical damped system is increased it will behave as
  • poles : root loci starts from--------
  • routh criterion : the intersection of root locus branches with the imaginer axis can be determined by using