Christmas Quotes Crossword Puzzle

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Christmas Quotes Crossword Puzzle

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  • giver : love the _ more than the gift.
  • wonderland : walking in a winter _ .
  • bell : every time a _ rings an angel gets his wings.
  • roads : at christmas all _ lead home.
  • tinsel : don't get your _ in a tangle.
  • beautiful : let us keep christmas _ without the thought of greed.
  • frame of mind : christmas isn't just a day it's a _ .
  • presence : children need your _ more than your presents.
  • singing : the best way to spread christmas cheer is _ loud for all to hear.
  • childhood : the smells of christmas are the smells of _ .
  • bought : christmas can't be _ from a store.
  • yuletide : perhaps the best _ decoration is being wreathed in smiles
  • sleep : even as an adult i still find it hard to _ on christmas eve.
  • rejoicing : christmas is a season not only of _ but of reflection.
  • true spirit : just remember the _ of christmas lies in your heart.
  • snowflakes : like _ my christmas memories gather and dance each beautiful unique and gone too soon
  • outside : baby it's cold _ .