Carribbean Culture Crossword Puzzle

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Carribbean Culture Crossword Puzzle

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  • counter : _ is a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm
  • mass : _ culture which emerges from the centralized production processes of the mass media.
  • folk : _ culture that is traditionally practice by a small homogeneous rural group living in isolation away from others.
  • ethnocentrism : the attitude that one's own group, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others
  • ideal : _ culture that refers to the practices, values or norms that society is supposed to follow or desires to achieve.
  • assimilation : the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society
  • real : _ culture is the standards and values a society actually has, instead of pretends or tries to have.
  • subculture : a group of people within a culture that differentiates itself from the parent culture to which it belongs
  • cultural lag : the difference between material culture and non-material culture
  • culture shock : an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one's own
  • acculturation : the process of social, psychological, and cultural change that stems from the balancing of two cultures while adapting to the prevailing culture of the society
  • popular : _ culture that is generally recognized by members of a society as a set of the practices, beliefs, and objects