Cancer Biology and Genomics Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: stem : this type of cell has to ability to establish a new cancer, carcinogens : chemical substances which can induce cancer after inhalation, ingestion, dermal application, or injection, somatic : this type of cell variant is not inheritable, malignancy : the stage of multistep carcinogenesis in which cancer cells move into surrounding tissues and organs, germline : in this type of cell variant, dna damage is present in egg or sperm at conception, transcription : this variant factor binds to genes involved in cell growth and allows for malignant transformation, oncogene : this variant can cause a healthy cell to transform into a tumor cell, telomeres : this factor allows for limitless replication of cells, replication : malignant cells lose this ability of healthy cells to contact adjacent cells and inhibit growth, dysplasia : this pathology term describes tumor cells and tissue that appear abnormal