Angel Encounters Crossword Puzzle

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Angel Encounters Crossword Puzzle

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  • abraham: an angel stopped him from killing his son
  • cornelius: an angel told this roman centurion to send for simon peter
  • daniel: an angel saved him from lions
  • david: he saw an angel kill 70,000 people because of his sin
  • elijah: he was awakened by an angel and told to get up and eat
  • hagar: she talked with an angel while pregnant
  • herod: he was struck by an angel and eaten by worms
  • jacob: he saw angels in a dream going up and going down
  • jesus: after 40 days without food, angels ministered to him
  • joseph: an angel appeared to him in a dream 3 times: telling him what to do.
  • lazarus: this beggar died and was carried by angels to abraham's bosom
  • lot: he hosted angels in sodom
  • mary: two women with this name heard from an angel that jesus was risen
  • ornan: he saw an angel and continued threshing wheat
  • paul: an angel spoke to him on a stormy sea assuring him that no one on the ship would lose his life
  • peter: he was awakened by an angel in a prison cell who led him past the guards out of the prison
  • philip: an angel told him to travel on the road that goes from jerusalem to gaza
  • shepherds: after their encounter with angels, they said "let's go to bethlehem."
  • zacharias: an angel appeared to this priest as he was offering incense in the temple.
  • zechariah: an angel explained to this prophet the things he saw in visions.
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