Adjective Crossword Puzzle
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- demonstrative: an adjective used to point out something near or far away
- comparative: an adjective used to describe two things, or two sets of things
- indefinite: an adjective that describes a part of or all of a noun or pronoun
- numerical: an adjective that shows how many of something is present, or where in an arrangement it lies
- article: a part of speech that identifies whether something non-specific or specific is being referred to
- positive: the base form of an adjective; not used to compare people/places/things
- superlative: an adjective used to describe three or more things
- interrogative: an adjective used in a question
- few: an adjective used with count nouns
- adjective phrase: a prepositional phrase that describes a noun or pronoun like an adjective would
- subject complement: an adjective that comes after the noun or pronoun, and after a linking verb
- little: an adjective used with non-count nouns
- descriptive: an adjective that describes a quality of a noun or pronoun