Words that start with SH Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: shine : bright, sheet : the thing that covers a mattress, shop : a place to buy things, shoes : i am learning to tie my _ , shake : to move something up and down or side to side quickly, sheep : an animal who gives us wool, short : opposite of tall, she : a word for a woman or a girl, show : a performance; a talent _ , shampoo : what you use to wash your hair, sharp : a knife is _ , ship : a large boat, shadow : ends in w, shout : to talk very loudly, shade : where you stand to get out of the sun, shoulders : the body part on top of your arms, should : rhymes with would and could, shelf : a flat surface to hold books, share : to let a friend play with your toys, shy : being nervous, scared, or timid, sharks : animals in the water