Soccer Review Crossword Puzzle

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Soccer Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • free kick : how you restart a soccer game after a foul occurs.
  • free pass : how you start a game of soccer.
  • trapping : controlling an incoming ball with your foot, thigh, chest or head in soccer.
  • touch line : another name for the side line in soccer.
  • end line : another name for the goal line in soccer.
  • goal kick : how you restart a soccer game when the offense kicks the ball past the end or goal line.
  • penalty kick : awarded if a foul occurs in the penalty box.
  • corner kick : how you restart a soccer game when the defense kicks the ball past the end or goal line.
  • dribbling : using the inside and outside of you foot to move with the soccer ball.
  • eleven : the number of players on each soccer team.
  • throw in : how you restart a soccer game when the balls rolls past the touch or side line.
  • penalty box : large rectangular area in front of the goal where the goalie plays in soccer.