Sailing Terms Crossword Puzzle
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- starboard : left side of a boat when facing towards the stern
- port : left side of a boat when facing towards the bow
- windward : direction from which the wind is coming
- close hauled : sailing as close as possible to the wind
- close reach : sailing with boat about 60 degrees from wind
- stern : back of the boat
- reach : any point of sailing between close-hauled and running
- forward : towards the front of the boat
- bow : front of the boat
- beam reach : sailing at 90 degrees to the wind
- jibe : turning your boat away from the wind so the stern passes through the wind
- tack : direction the boat is sailing
- aft : towards the rear of the boat
- figure eight : knot most commonly used as a stop
- leeward : the opposite of windward
- bowline : nonbinding knot for forming a non-slipping and non-jamming loop
- running : sailing with the wind coming from behind the boat