Populations & Life History Strategies Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: life history : physiological, behavioral features that affect reproduction, survival, population structure, growth, habitat, competition, plasticity : the same genotype producing different phenotype depending on environmental conditions, survivorship curve : follows the survival patterns of a cohort from birth to death, density : the number of individuals per unit area, population : a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same place at the same time, vital statistics : death rate, birth rate, age class structure, sex ratio, uniform : individuals are evenly spaced, demography : the study of vital statistics and how they change in a population over time, population ecology : the study of populations and their interactions with environment, including density, distribution, age structure, and population size, allocation : energy invested in one trait/characteristic can’t be used for another, clumped : individuals aggregate into patches, demographics : factors that influence density and dispersion patterns over time, dispersion : the pattern of spacing of individuals within boundaries of the population, random : individuals are spaced unpredictably.