Polarity of Molecules Crossword Puzzle

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Polarity of Molecules Crossword Puzzle

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  • electro negativity: it is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons.
  • polar: it is a bond in which the distribution of electron between two atoms is unequal.
  • fluorine: it is the element with most electronegativity.
  • lone pair: valence electron that are not shared or bonded with other atom.
  • covalent bond: it is formed when electrons are shared equally between the atoms
  • dipole: it means “two poles” which means that a molecule has one positive end and one negative end.
  • polarity: it refers to the distribution of electric charge around atoms, chemical groups or molecules.
  • non polar: it is a bond in which the distribution of electron between two atoms is equal.
  • ionic bond: it is formed when one atom essentially donates an electron to stabilize the other atom.
  • cesium: it is the element with least electronegativity.