Organ System Overview Crossword Puzzle

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Organ System Overview Crossword Puzzle

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  • nervous : organ system that is a fast-acting control system of the body; responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands
  • reproductive : organ system that produces offspring
  • cardiovascular : organ system that transports materials in body via blood pumped by heart (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes)
  • respiratory : organ system that keeps blood supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  • skeletal : system that protects and supports body organs and provides a framework the muscles use to support movement, is the site of blood cell formation, stores minerals
  • tissue : level of organization that consist of similar types of cells
  • atom : level of organization that is the chemical level; combine to form molecules
  • cellular : level of organization that is made up of molecules
  • endocrine : organ system that secretes regulatory hormones (growth, reproduction, metabolism)
  • lymphatic : organ system that returns fluids to blood vessels, cleanses the blood, involved in immunity
  • muscular : organ system that produces movement, maintains posture, and produces heat
  • organismal : level of organization made up of many organ systems
  • digestive : breaks down food, allows for nutrient absorption into blood, eliminates indigestible material
  • integumentary : forms the external body covering, and protects deeper tissues from injury. synthesizes vitamin d, and houses cutaneous (pain, pressure, etc.) receptors and sweat and oil glands.
  • organ system : level of organization that consists of different organs that work together closely (2 words, no space between)
  • organ : level of organization that is made up of different types of tissues
  • urinary : organ system that eliminates nitrogenous wastes, maintains acid-base balance, regulates water and electrolytes