Music Key Words Crossword Puzzle

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Music Key Words Crossword Puzzle

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  • dissonant : notes in the chords clash (9)
  • disjunct : notes have leaps between them in a melody (8)
  • consonant : notes in the chords fit together (9)
  • legato : smooth playing (6)
  • polyphonic : a texture where many different parts move at different times (10)
  • ornament : used to decorate a melody line (8)
  • piano : quiet (5)
  • diatonic : describes harmony where only chords from the key are used (8)
  • tessitura : pitch range (9)
  • note addition : slowly increasing the number of pitches in a melody (4,8)
  • staccato : detached playing (8)
  • groundbass : a repeating bass line (6,4)
  • forte : loud (5)
  • monophonic : one line of music (10)
  • ternary : aba form (7)
  • harpsichord : a baroque keyboard instrument (11)
  • ostinato : short repeating pattern (8)
  • homophonic : all parts moving together (10)
  • canon : a melody that is repeated by different instruments one after another (5)
  • minor : sad sounding tonality (5)
  • major : happy sounding tonality (5)
  • conjunct : notes are next to each other in a melody (8)
  • drone : a long sustained note (5)