Monster Types Crossword Puzzle

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Monster Types Crossword Puzzle

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  • aberrations : alien beings
  • celestials : good beings native to the upper planes
  • beasts : nonhumanoid creatures like dinosaurs and ordinary animals
  • constructs : these creatures are created rather than born naturally
  • oozes : monsters that are gelatinous and shapeless
  • plants : creatures like the shambling mound and the treant
  • undead : necromancy is used to bring these creatures to life
  • dragons : giant reptile-like creatures with ancient origins
  • elementals : monsters that are from the elemental planes
  • fey : creatures like pixies, dryads, and satyrs
  • fiends : wicked creatures that live on the lower planes
  • giants : creatures with a humanoid shape that are much much larger in stature
  • humanoids : common creatures with an established culture and language
  • monstrosities : unnatural and terrifying creatures