Hamlet Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: elsinore : setting of the play, sword: weapon that was poisoned ir order to kill hamlet, curtain : where polonius was hiding before he got killed, suicide : what ophelia was theorized to have commited in the forest, wine: poisoned beverage during hamlet and laertes' duel, paris : where laertes was studying abroad, denmark : hamlet was a royal of this country, ghost : what some guards encountered at the start of the play, norway : country that invaded denmark in the play, horatio : hamlet's only friend, hamlet : claudius' brother, mad : what most characters thought hamlet had become, england : where claudius planned to kill hamlet originally, death : what hamlet often contemplated and thought about, women : demographic in the play hamlet gained a mistrust in, flowers : what ophelia referenced in her monologue after going mad, play : what hamlet utilized in order to confirm claudius' actions, rosencrantz : one of hamlet's childhood friends, funeral : what was almost denied to ophelia after her death, ear : body part where claudius poisoned hamlet's father.