Composites Crossword Puzzle

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Composites Crossword Puzzle

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  • oxygen : element with 8 protons, electrons and neutrons
  • polymer : a substance made up of very long molecules.
  • displacement reaction : in a d _ r _ , a more reactive metal displaces - pushes out – a less reactive metal from its compound.
  • reactivity series : a list of metals in order of how vigorously they react.
  • metal : elements on the left of the stepped line of the periodic table. they are good conductors of energy and electricity.
  • ore : a rock that you can extract a metal from.
  • state symbol : a s _ s _ gives the state of a substance in a chemical equation. (s) solid, (l) liquid, (g) gas, and (aq)dissolved in water.
  • natural polymer : polymers made by plants and animals, including wool, cotton, and rubber (n _ p _ )
  • displace : a more reactive metal will d _ – or pushes out – a less reactive metal from its compound.
  • reactive : a substance is r _ if it reacts vigorously with substances such as dilute acids and water.
  • lithium : element with 3 protons, 3 electrons and 4 neutrons
  • helium : element with 2 protons, neutrons and electrons