Brain and Spinal Cord Crossword Puzzle
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- hippocampus: converts short-term memories to long-term memories
- corpuscallosum: 'power-lines' that connect cerebral hemispheres
- hypothalamus: the general manager of homeostasis
- cerebrum: hub for intelligence, creativity, and reasoning
- cerebellum: quality control center for motor activities
- cortex: superficial part of th cerebrum
- meninges: membrane that surrounds brain and spinal cord
- pons: the 'bridge' between the medulla and cerebrum
- thalamus: 'relay station' for sensory and motor signals (post office)
- medullaoblongata: brainstem part for vital body processes
- midbrain: controls the body's reflexive movements
- amygdala: plays a role in processing and expressing emotions
- cingulategyrus: links actions to outcomes (cause and effect)
- limbicsystem: collection of structures for memory, emotion, learning
- spinalcord: 'information superhighway' between brain and body