Beauty and the Beast Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: garden: where did beauty find the beast when she returned back to the castle?, winter: what was the season of the year when beauty returned back to the castle?, beauty: who was the most hard-working of the sisters?, dress: what did the first sister ask her father as a present?, mirror: where could beauty see her father when he was ill?, shoes: what did the second sister ask her father as a present?, seven: how many days could beauty spend at home with her wicked dad?, ship: what did the father travel by?, two: how many sisters did beauty have?, rose: what did the merchant pick from the castle's garden?, beast: who lived in the castle that the merchant found at night?, song: what did beauty hear when she woke up on the first day at the castle?, prince: who was the beast before he became the beast?, ring: what magic item helped the heroes to teleport from one place to another?