Archery / Ping Pong Crossword Puzzle
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- forrest gump : what ping pong player served in vietnam & met ronald reagan
- left : if you are left-handed your draw hand would be which hand
- topspin : when hit the ball will sink faster
- backspin : ball rises
- shake hands : what grip is most commonly used by european players
- usatt : what is located in colorado springs, colorado
- ten : you are awarded how many points for hitting the center in archery
- six : ping pong nets are _ inches tall
- table tennis : ping pong is also known as
- olympics : archery was adopted as a sport for the first time played at what event
- library : what building has the most stories?
- volleys : this is allowed in tennis but not ping pong
- paddle : another name for a ping pong racket
- archery : _ tag is similar to paint ball and laser tag
- seven : how many essential tips were there to shooting a bow & arrow
- asian : pen hold grip is commonly used by _ players
- boycott : the usa men's archery didn't win individual gold medals in 1980 because