American Revolutionary War II Crossword Puzzle

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American Revolutionary War II Crossword Puzzle

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  • saratoga : the american victory at this battle convinced the french to join the battle vs. the british
  • franklin : this founding father was a diplomat who helped convince the french to join the patriots.
  • valleyforge : washington set up camp here near philadelphia
  • lafayette : this french volunteer became one of washington's most trusted officers.
  • vonsteuban : this baron helped train patriot soldiers at valley forge.
  • deserted : many troops at valley forge _ because of the harsh winter conditions.
  • british : while native americans supported both sides, they favored the _ .
  • navy : the british _ blocked all american ports and shipment.
  • john : the naval hero, _ paul jones, attacked the british at home.
  • cornwallis : this british general led the campaign on the american south.
  • charlestown : the british captured the southern towns of savannah & _ .
  • continental : the _ congress had trouble provided their troops with supplies.
  • tax : the continental army did not have enough supplies and funding because congress did not have the power to _ .
  • patriots : those that fought for independence from british rule.
  • privateers : the american navy gave approval to _ , who owned private ships, to capture british ships and cargo.