Academic Games Crossword Puzzle

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Academic Games Crossword Puzzle

PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key.

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  • crossword puzzles : the instructor uses key facts, definitions, and terminology.
  • scavenger hunt : students participate in a game that requires them to answer questions related to course content.
  • who am i : students use their content knowledge to determine the identity of a significant person or idea.
  • pictionary : student selects a card with a course idea, fact, or person on it. the student draws pictures to illustrate the idea while teammates try to guess the word on the card.
  • trivia : students review recent lessons or in preparing for exams. students recall course ideas and receive immediate feedback on whether an answer is right or wrong.
  • hollywood squares : students play x's and o's answering course-related questions.
  • escape room : game can be used for reviewing concepts, exam preparation, critical thinking, and applying class material to different contexts.
  • role play : students assume different personas and act out problems and solutions in class.
  • taboo : a student receives a card and has to provide clues to partners without using word or up to five additional words listed on the card. the team has to guess the word.
  • icebreakers : students "break the ice" by playing a game in which students interact, meet each other, and build community.
  • top ten : students generate a list of ten items related to course content. the structure allows students to consider wither prior knowledge or what they gained through class.
  • pic of the day : students capture key aspects of the course in pictures and present them in class.
  • web quest : students follow a series of clues and prompts from the instructor to help find information online. this game helps students develop research skills and better understand resources.