7th Grade Civics Crossword Puzzle

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7th Grade Civics Crossword Puzzle

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  • concurrent powers : powers shared by both the federal and state governments
  • legislative branch : the part of government that passes laws
  • felony : a serious crime usually punishable by imprisonment or worse
  • gideon v wainwright : poor defendants have the right to a court-appointed attorney
  • judicial branch : part of government that interprets laws
  • candidate : a person running for elected office
  • anti federalism : movement that opposed the creation of a strong federal government in the u.s
  • executive branch : the branch of government that enforces the law
  • political party : group of people with similar political goals and opinions
  • bill : a draft of a proposed law
  • miranda v arizona : it led to the protection of fifth amendment rights during arrest
  • political platform : a document stating the aims and goals of a political party
  • amendment : a change or addition to a document, especially the u.s constitution
  • political endorsement : support for a candidate running for office
  • misdemeanor : a minor wrongdoing, less serious than a felony
  • bill of rights : the first ten amendments to the u.s constitution