Social Research Crossword Puzzle

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Social Research Crossword Puzzle

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  • questionnaire : a survey instrument containing primarily standardised questions, whose answers can be analysed numerically and in quantitative terms
  • intervening : a variable that helps to explain the relationship between an independent and a dependent variable
  • ethnography : the study of a culture or cultures that some group of people shares
  • control group : a comparison group that receives no treatment in experimental or rct research
  • focus groups : a qualitative method that involves unstructured or semi-structured group interviews
  • anonymity : a research condition in which the identities of research participants are not known or indicated
  • dependent : a variable that is hypothesised to very depending on, or under the influence of, another variable
  • purposive : a type of nonprobability sampling in which elements are selected for a purpose, usually because of their unique position
  • qualitative : research approach that includes methods such as participant observation, interviewing, and focus groups, that rely on written or spoken words or observations
  • sample : a subset of a population that is used to study the population as a whole