Maths Shapes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: oval: a shape resembling an elongated circle, pyramid: a three-dimensional object with a polygonal base and triangular faces converging at a single point, dodecahedron: a twelve-faced three-dimensional object with pentagonal faces, trapezoid: a four-sided polygon with only one pair of parallel sides, hexagon: a six-sided polygon, sphere: a three-dimensional round object in which every point on its surface is equidistant from its center, cylinder: a three-dimensional object with two parallel circular bases of equal size connected by a curved surface, cone: a three-dimensional object with a circular base and a curved surface that tapers to a point called the apex, parallelogram: a four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel and equal opposite angles, pentagon: a five-sided polygon, octagon: an eight-sided polygon, rhombus: a four-sided polygon with all sides of equal length, opposite angles equal, and diagonals intersecting at right angles, rectangle: a four-sided polygon with opposite sides of equal length and right angles, icosahedron: a twenty-faced three-dimensional object with triangular faces, square: a four-sided polygon with equal sides and right angles, cube: a three-dimensional object with six equal square faces, circle: a round shape with all points on its boundary equidistant from its center, tetrahedron: a four-faced three-dimensional object with triangular faces, triangle: a three-sided polygon, ellipse: a closed curve with two focal points and all points on the curve having the property that the sum of the distances to the two foci is constant.