Greek Philosophers Crossword Puzzle

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Greek Philosophers Crossword Puzzle

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  • socrates: philosopher known for the socratic method
  • plato: student of socrates, writer of "the republic"
  • aristotle: student of plato, tutor of alexander the great
  • epicurus: founder of epicureanism
  • pythagoras: known for his theorem in mathematics
  • heraclitus: philosopher known for the concept of change
  • parmenides: philosopher who argued that change is an illusion
  • anaxagoras: introduced the concept of nous (mind) in philosophy
  • democritus: proposed the atomic theory of the universe
  • zeno: known for zeno's paradoxes
  • protagoras: known for the claim that "man is the measure of all things"
  • sextus empiricus: notable skeptic philosopher
  • diogenes: founder of cynicism, known for his ascetic lifestyle
  • gorgias: sophist known for his work on rhetoric
  • empedocles: philosopher known for his theory of the four elements
  • anaximander: proposed the concept of the "apeiron" or boundless
  • thales: pre-socratic philosopher known for his belief that water is the fundamental substance
  • aesop: fabulist known for aesop's fables, not strictly a philosopher
  • leucippus: early greek philosopher, prefigured atomism
  • simmias: student of socrates, known for his dialogues