Digraphs au, aw and oor Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: crawl : what a baby does before it walks, prawn : a small pink sea creature that it delicious to eat, august : the month after july and before september, awful : very horrible or bad, floor : the surface on which one stands in a room, lawn : an area of ground planted with grass and usually mown short, strawberry : a little red, juicy fruit with seeds on the outside, doorbell : a bell on an outside door that is rung by a person who wants to be let inside, outdoors : in the open air, because : the reason why, gauze : thin cotton cloth used to cover a wound, gnaw : to bite or chew on again and again, launch : to send into the air with great force, astronaut : a person who's job requires them to go to space, author : a person who writes books.