Biomedicine - Digestive System Crossword Puzzle

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Biomedicine - Digestive System Crossword Puzzle

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  • mucosa : the innermost layer of the git
  • submucosa : middle layer of git made of connective tissue
  • submucosa plexus : a network of neurons that control digestive secretions and detect sensory information
  • muscularis externa : the outer layer of the git
  • myenteric plexus : a network of nerve fibres that control the strength & frequency of muscle contractions the git
  • peritoneum: the largest serous membrane that weaves between digestive organs
  • greater omentum : the largest fold in the abdominal serous membrane
  • lesser omentum : the smaller serous membrane fold
  • enteric nervous system : the brain of the gut containing 100 million neurons
  • peristalsis: contraction & relaxation of the walls allowing propulsion of content through the git
  • portal vein : drains the lower esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small and large intestine, upper rectum and spleen.
  • pyloric : the lower region of the stomach.
  • chyme : partially digested food.
  • hepatocytes: cells in the liver that produce bile & convert toxins into non-toxic metabolites
  • common bile duct : the duct connecting the liver, gallbladder and pancreas which deposits into the small intestine
  • duodenum : where emulsification & most digestion occurs
  • jejunum : where most absorption occurs in the small intestine
  • ilium : where b12 is absorbed in the small intestine
  • caecum : the first region of the large intestine where the appendix is attached
  • kupffer cells : phagocytic cells in the liver wthatremove foreign bodies from the blood
  • hepatic first pass : the transport of all blood from the git to the liver to be filtered / metabolised before entering the systemic circulation
  • bioactivation : phase 1 of detoxification in the liver
  • conjugation : phase 2 of detoxification in the liver